Earth handling

Ground works:

  • creation of road embankments and yards
  • realization of dumping sites
  • re-shaping of canals
Il Consorzio di autotrasportatori Consar di Ravenna fornisce servizi di movimento terra per: scavi di sbancamento; formazione di rilevati stradali e piazzali; realizzazione discariche e lavori di risezionamento canali.

100 working machine
100 double-drive trailers
80 Euroliners and public works vehicles

SOA Certificate n° 28319/11/00

The sector offers services to builders, regional, provincial and municipal public bodies, land improvement consortia and port authorities.

SS16 junction - Ravenna

Moviter Hub excavation tanks S3 North

Flood in Emilia Romagna 18 05 23 - Savio River - Restoration of riverbanks

Post-flood works 2023 - Right bank of the Reno River, S. Alberto (Ra)

Ferrarese waterway - Reconstruction of Cavallara curve and Ostellato curve

Beach nourishment Lido di Spina (Fe)